It ain't fancy
I've written before about my Grandma Phyllis - she was a heck of a cook. She had to be as theirs was a large family. My Grandpa Ray & Grandma Phyllis raised 6 children. Food was scarce, times were tough in the midwest. Winters harsh and long - much of their food was grown on the farm, pigs, chicken and in the garden potatoes and vegetables. Back then, you made due with what you had. Food was expensive and money was tight. However there was always plenty of love to go around. Our family has always been rich in love.
The Corliss's are passionate people and Grandpa Ray's passion was baseball. He was a pitcher for the City of Revillo in Revillo, South Dakota in the 1940 & 50's. He loved playing baseball, but back then baseball didn't pay the bills. Grandpa Ray mostly worked in factories and was an exceptional welder. That's how they made ends meet. Grandma stayed home to take care of the kids and did cooking and boy could she cook. Both Grandpa Ray & Grandma Phyllis passed away when I was a teenager and though memories are limited, they are bright and colorful, full of laughter, hugs, lots of food and plenty of love.

There are a couple things that I remember Grandma cooking and one of them is Mac & Cheese - I remember Grandma making dinner at the stove, boiling a HUGE pot full of pasta and using an entire block of Velveeta cheese, a quart of milk and stick of butter. There would be enough to feed an army and well, that's pretty much what we had when everyone got together. It was a small army anyway, ranging from 20-25 people for holiday gatherings.

Which brings me to this recipe....I made Mac & Cheese the other day and I posted a picture the other day on Facebook. I made it just like my Grandma Phyllis used to - using processed cheese, butter and half & half. When I posted the picture on Facebook, it was on a whim. In three days it has turned into one of my most popular posts, Grandma Phyllis would be proud! I didn't think to add the recipe to the website (not sure why not??), but I've had several requests, so here it is!

It's really this easy - One 16 oz. box of pasta shells - use your favorite. I always go back & forth between shells & elbow macaroni. I like those because they grab the sauce really well. Velveeta Cheese - you know, the processed kind that comes in a brick. (Remember I said this isn't healthy so you've been warned!) You'll need about 2 cups cubed, 2 tablespoons butter and ½ to ¾ cup half & half or whole milk.
Cook the pasta to aldente' (that's really the only fancy thing you'll read in this blog post). Drain the pasta well but do not rinse. While the pasta is draining, add the butter to the stock pot, when it melts add the cubed Velveeta Cheese & pour the cooked pasta on top. Give it several good stirs. Add ½ cup half & half and continue stirring until the cheese melts thru. Season with about ½ teaspoon salt & ½ teaspoon pepper. If the pasta is too stiff, add more milk.
That's it, it's done and ready to serve! It ain't fancy and I understand there's more polished ways to make Mac & Cheese, but this will rock your (food) world! All things in moderation I say and for those days I indulge in something like this, I tack on an extra 5 miles to my run. If you're gonna play, then you have to pay and in my opinion, this meal is worth it!
For the complete recipe for Macaroni and Cheese - click here!
Fun family pic - My dad is pictured on the right next to his mother Phyllis, Grandma Easter & Great Grandma McClagan. Four Generations - family is what it's all about!

cathie stevens says
Hi Deb, Thank you for this recipe of Mac and Cheese. Wayne loves this dish sooo much and will eat it anytime everyday. I love your photos too of your Grandma and mom.I thought your Grandma was your dad's sister Shirley.. not. I will continue to follow your recipes.
Bowl Me Over says
Hey Cathie - so good to hear from you! I'm so pleased that you follow the blog and are enjoying recipes from the blog! I always like to share some fun family memories & I'm happy they make you smile! So good to hear from you!!
Mary Ellen says
I love your story! It is fun to read and it feels like I got to know about a big part of your life. I'd love a dish of that mac and cheese please?
Bowl Me Over says
Thanks Mary - this is one of my favorite posts! And yes, come on over and bring a big spoon! 😀
Michelle @ The Complete Savorist says
What a beautiful post!!! My love of cooking comes from my grandmothers and reading this just warmed my heart. Thank you!
Jillian says
Thanks for sharing, I love family tie-ins like this. The mac & cheese looks delicious!
christine says
Great story and some recipes just aren't meant to be healthy. Mac and Cheese is one of them. It should always be indulgent and this sounds delish.
Sandi Gaertner (@sandigtweets) says
What a beautiful post. I loved seeing pictures of your mom and the Mac & Cheese.
Lois says
This was always been a favorite in our family. We all love it.
Bowl Me Over says
Thanks Mom, yes you can't get much better than Mac & Cheese!
Healing Tomato says
What a wonderful connection to you Grandma Phyllis. I am so happy to know about her. I get the impression that she was a delightful women. I would love to try this Mac-N-Cheese recipe.
Bowl Me Over says
Hey Healing Tomato - Yes, Grandma was a wonderful woman, she was happy and colorful and had such a wicked/funny sense of humor! I smile when I think about her and treasure her memory! 😀
Sue Abero says
Thanks for sharing the recipe, Debbie. It looks like something Martin would love. Love the family photos--I can see where Shirley gets her good looks and beautifl smile!
Bowl Me Over says
Thanks Sue! I love the family pics and it's fun to be able to share them every now & then. That's right, it's all in the family. 🙂 I hope Martin enjoys the Mac & Cheese!