Last week was filled with family & fun. It was also filled with emotion and uncertainty. It was the roller coaster ride of life.
My hubby's sister came to visit! We were so excited to spend time together! It was such a wonderful opportunity. Mitzi had a project and we worked on it straight for several days. Mitzi, her husband & son had recently taken a trip to Europe. They went many different places, Italy, Greece, Turkey and took a cruise thru the Mediterranean Sea. They took many beautiful pictures along their journey and Mitzi and I sat down to sort thru the many pictures - over 1000. We picked out the very best and framed them. It was quite the task!

It was tough, but we focused! Paired them down and picked the best that made the final cut. Pictures were printed, cut down to size and memories came to life in photograph. What a job!
We also had some great family fun! We picked up my hubby's Mom and us girls went for mani-pedi's!

We ate lots of wonderful meals. My sis, had never eaten Thai or Vietnamese food before, so we took her to a couple of our favorite restaurants. Very fun! I did a bit of cooking too, making piles of fajitas, delicious black beans and a couple pots of yummy soup to warm our souls. We giggled that we took her on a culinary vacation around the world.

My hubby got to spend some much needed time with his sister. Lots of talk and laughter and conversations late into the night. There is never as much time as you want or need but they made the best of every moment available to talk and reflect on family & life!

You see this is really important because Mitzi is terminally ill with cancer.
Though she's never smoked, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. It's a special kind of cancer that usually attacks women in their 50's that do not smoke. It eats your lungs from the outside in. It is wicked and painful. She only has one lung left. Though it is difficult to breath, Mitzi is making the most of life! She's crossing off her life's to-do list and managing her time with style and her special kind of grace! She wears ridiculously bright clothes, laughs as much as possible and yes does her share of crying too. Part of that list includes spending time with the ones she loves. And we were lucky last week to have several days with this courageous woman.

Tomorrow we find out the results of her latest cat scan. Say lots of prays for Mitzi! Fingers crossed that the cancer has not spread.
Family is important! Count your blessings and make the most of every moment, I know we are. For those whose journey in life allows them a glimpse into the future, I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I do know I respect and appreciate how Mitzi is handling it. CANCER SUCKS!

Lois says
We are praying for her everyday. It was great that you got that extra time to spend with Mitzi.
Bowl Me Over says
Yes it was, thanks Mom